Yankee Flyers of Connecticut

​​​​​​YFOC Meeting Minutes for 12-15-24 

The meeting commenced at 2:45 p.m. with 14 members in attendance.  The location was Mr. Z’s Pipasa by the Lake, 2400 Putnam Pike, Glocester, RI 02814 

Treasurer's Report:

The Treasurer's report was given verbally and indicated a balance in the coffers of $3,505.48. The report was accepted into the meeting minutes.

 Secretary's Report:

The Secretary's report was read and accepted into the minutes.

Old Business

1.     Steve discussed the need to increase the dues.  Erick made a motion to increase the $35 to $40 and the $20 to $30.  Followed by a discussion with no amended motion.  The motion was approved by all members present.

2.     Wayne stated this will require a change to the by-laws, Dave stated we can work on that verbiage as we approach the April meeting. 

3.     Gary inquired if there were any members that wished to be considered for, or if there were any nominations for the 2025 officer positions.  Dave made a motion to keep the current officers in place for 2025, and to have the secretary pass the motion with one vote.  The motion was passed. 

4.     The 2025 Officer Slate is:  President: Gary W. Vice President: Steve G. Secretary: Wayne K. Treasurer: Dave B. Safety Officer: Steve G.

 New Business: 

 1.      The First Flight Event is scheduled for January 1st, 2025. Start Time: 0900, Location: Gawron Field. Breakfast will be served.

2.     Thank you Erick for providing the gift bags to all members present.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:08 p.m..

Submitted by:

Wayne Kowal  

Club Secretary